of Information Sciences and Computing Technologies2022-04-02T02:39:29+00:00Managing Editorjiscteditor@scitecresearch.comOpen Journal SystemsJournal of information sciences and computing technologies Quality Monitoring System in the Supply Chain based on Wireless Sensor Networks2022-02-26T03:37:49+00:00Daudi Samson<p><strong>Several farmers are reported to be utilizing substandard fertilizer as a result of supply chain concerns such as inappropriate storage and adulteration by dealers, resulting in soil infertility, low yield, water pollution, and biodiversity loss. The purpose of this research is to demonstrate the construction of a wireless sensor network system capable of collecting and analyzing data from each stage/point in the supply chain, as well as communicating status updates and recommendations to important supply chain partners. The system collected and evaluated data from each stage/point in the supply chain, and it was able to provide status information and advice to the major supply chain players. This enables the detection of changes in the quality of fertilizer prior to its delivery to farmers, allowing for the implementation of appropriate measures. Test results are wirelessly transmitted to the monitoring software's base station server for analysis, display, and storage through a communication module. The host server is comprised of an interpretation program that is used to receive, process, and display data in real-time. Users may obtain information from the base station server</strong> <strong>through their mobile phones. The remote server of the base station maintains certified fertilizer parameter values for each new batch and the status of reported fertilizer parameter values for each warehouse and provides the report and associated advice to the server and users, respectively. On the one hand, users may use predefined instructions on their mobile phones to seek information about chemical fertilizers and obtain real-time fertilizer nutrient quality metrics. On the other side, the system notifies the server and users of the report and any associated recommendations. The project's results have been positive, and the project's objective is to aid farmers in making better-informed decisions and boosting agricultural yields via the use of technology.</strong></p>2022-02-26T03:37:09+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Intricate the adoption of e-Commerce by Small-medium sized Enterprises (SMEs) in Tanzania2022-04-02T02:39:29+00:00Eliphas Frank<p><em>E-commerce can enable medium, small-sized enterprises in emerging markets to gain greater bargaining power for innovation in Tanzania’s economic growth, despite its limited capital and mobility. The rationale for the e-Commerce definition emanates from the fact that Tanzania has lagged behind in acquiring, adopting and using e-Commerce. Many factors could be responsible for the low usage of e-Commerce among the SMEs in Tanzania. In order to determine the factors that inhibit the adoption of e-Commerce, SMEs were confronted in their quest to indicate the factors intricate the adoption of e-Commerce, among those were: Organizational factor, Environmental factor, Political and legal (regulatory policies) factor and Communication factor, followed by lack of ICTs tools, lack of financial resources, online security and several other reasons. At the same time, the research provides insights into understanding e-Commerce adoption by SMEs in the context of Tanzania</em></p>2022-04-02T02:36:32+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement##