Analysis of Treatment and Counseling in an HIV/AIDS Malaria Co infection Model using the Reproduction Number

  • Okongo M.O. Physical Sciences department, Chuka University, P.O. Box 60400-109, Kenya
Keywords: Equilibria, Co-infection, Reproduction Number.


This study proposes a model that describes the dynamics of HIV/AIDS Co infection with Malaria using systems of nonlinear ordinary differential equations. The basic reproduction number (R0) is the average number of secondary infections an infectious individual would cause during the infectious period in an entirely susceptible population. This study has shown that treatment (ARV) and counseling for HIV/AIDS infected individuals have insignificant effect on the spread of malaria, however HIV/AIDS counseling strategy is very effective in controlling the spread of malaria, HIV/AIDS and HIV/AIDS - Malaria co infections. The study further showed that the co infections of HIV/AIDS and malaria reduces the number of HIV/AIDS cases in the population but increases the malaria cases which could be due to the fact that malaria increases the rate of progression from HIV to AIDS leading to more HIV/AIDS deaths reducing the number of the HIV/AIDS cases while HIV/AIDS compromises the immune system thus the HIV/AIDS individuals become easily susceptible to malaria infection increasing the prevalence of malaria in the community.


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How to Cite
M.O., O. (2019). Analysis of Treatment and Counseling in an HIV/AIDS Malaria Co infection Model using the Reproduction Number. Journal of Progressive Research in Mathematics, 15(1), 2452-2463. Retrieved from