SPC using size Biased Maxwell Distribution

  • Itrat Batool Naqvi FC College University, Lahore
  • Wazeela Chaudhry Forman Christian College (A Chartered University)Lahore, Pakistan
Keywords: Biased Maxwell Distribution


This paper elucidates the control limits for size biased Maxwell distribution for different sample size(s) with fixed scale parameter. The performance of the control chart observed through the average run length (ARL). The propose control limits, size biased Maxwell (SBMW), compare with existing Maxwell Distribution with same parameter setting and found majority of times better in performance as compare to existing control chart.


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Author Biography

Itrat Batool Naqvi, FC College University, Lahore
Assistant Professor, Department of Statistics


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How to Cite
Naqvi, I., & Chaudhry, W. (2022). SPC using size Biased Maxwell Distribution. Journal of Progressive Research in Mathematics, 19(2), 89-96. Retrieved from http://www.scitecresearch.com/journals/index.php/jprm/article/view/2162