Quantum Conversation
This article is a sequel to the paper published earlier entitled (A new approach to gauge theory and variational principal). It is assumed that atoms are engaged in a perpetual conversation called Quantum Conversation,
and the behavior of an atom varies based on the syntax, and the tonality, derived from the spectral terms. Accepting this premise, it is then explored how to identify Quantum Conversation, (QC). Quantum
Conversation could be identied through looking at atom from a fresh point of view. Mainly this includes re-interpreting spin, and split identied by the spectral terms which is the other behavioral characteristic of quantum particles. Split is dened both as the change in the orbit level, and the division of an atom into smaller elements. Spin, and split change as a result of Q.C. Q.C. has two major elements, 1) syntax, and 2) tonality.
Given the dynamics and the diverse nature of syntax combined with tonality, it makes it possible to imagine and analyze a great number of scenarios for the behavior of the elements of an atom that would not be
possible to observe through laboratory experiments. This would open the door to a deeper understanding of the life of an atom.
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