On Iα - Open Set in Ideal Topological Spaces

  • A. E. Radwan Department of mathematics, Faculty of Science, Ain Shams University, Egypt. Current address: Department of mathematics, Faculty of Science and Arts(UNAIZAH) Alqassim University, Saudi Arabia
  • A. A. Abd- Elgawad Department of mathematics, Faculty of Science, Suze Canal University, Egypt
  • Hanan Zaky Hassan Department of mathematics, Faculty of Science, Suze Canal University, Egypt
Keywords: I - open set, space, I -N - space and I - compact space.


The aim of this paper is to study separation axioms and compactness of Iα- open set in ideal topological spaces, which was introduced by M.E. Abd El-Monsef, etc [1].


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How to Cite
Radwan, A. E., Abd- Elgawad, A. A., & Hassan, H. (2015). On Iα - Open Set in Ideal Topological Spaces. Journal of Progressive Research in Mathematics, 6(2), 753-760. Retrieved from http://www.scitecresearch.com/journals/index.php/jprm/article/view/451