Generalized *⊕Z* Supplemented Modules and Generalized*⊕ Co-finitely Supplemented Modules

  • Aseel A. Alatuany Department of Mathematics, College of science, Baghdad University, Baghdad, Iraq
  • Wasan Kh. Alobaidy Departement of Mathemetics, College of Science, Baghdad University, Baghdad, Iraq
Keywords: Generalized Z* supplemented, Eco-finitely generalized supplemented modules, generalized co- finitely supplemented modules.


Let R be a commutative ring with identity, an R-module M is called G*⊕ Z* supplemented modules, if every sub module containing Z*(M) has generalized* supplement in M that is a direct summand of M . and an R-module M is called generalized*co-finitely supplemented, if every co-finite has sub module of M has a generalized* supplement in M. and M is called ⊕ co- finitely generalized* supplemented , if every co- finite sub module of M has G*S that is direct summand of M.


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How to Cite
Alatuany, A., & Alobaidy, W. (2016). Generalized *⊕Z* Supplemented Modules and Generalized*⊕ Co-finitely Supplemented Modules. Journal of Progressive Research in Mathematics, 6(3), 803-811. Retrieved from