Study of Transport of Nanoparticles with Power Law fluid Model for Blood Rheology in Capillaries

  • Rekha Bali Department of Mathematics, HBTI, Kanpur, India
  • Nivedita Gupta Department of Mathematics, HBTI, Kanpur, India
  • Swati Mishra Department of Mathematics, HBTI, Kanpur, India
Keywords: Nanoparticles, power law fluid, erythrocytes, concentration, longitudinal transport, peripheral layer, slip velocity.


The present paper deals with a mathematical model for blood flow through an axially symmetric blood capillary with peripheral layer and slip at the wall. The longitudinal transport of nanoparticles in blood vessels has been analyzed with blood as a power law fluid in a central core region of suspension of all the erythrocytes and a Newtonian fluid in a peripheral layer of plasma. In present analysis, the capillary walls are impermeable and not absorbent for the nanoparticles. The expressions for velocity profile, flow rate, mean velocity and concentration of the solute have been obtained and results have been discussed through graphs.


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How to Cite
Bali, R., Gupta, N., & Mishra, S. (2016). Study of Transport of Nanoparticles with Power Law fluid Model for Blood Rheology in Capillaries. Journal of Progressive Research in Mathematics, 7(3), 1053-1062. Retrieved from