An Investigation into the Impact of Organisational Communication on Employee Performance at an Educational Institution

  • Jeremiah Madzimure College of Southern Africa (MANCOSA) 26 Samora Machel St, Durban, 4001
  • T. Lelibana College of Southern Africa (MANCOSA) 26 Samora Machel St, Durban, 4001
Keywords: organisational communication, employee performance, information dissemination.


The primary objectives for this research study were to investigate the impact of organisational communication on employee performance and to provide recommendations on how organisational communication can be improved at the institution. The secondary objectives were to investigate the different forms of communication practised there as well as to investigate the employee perceptions of the organisational communication. This research study contributed to the existing body of knowledge around this subject area by establishing the nature and testing the extent of the impact of organisational communication on employee performance. Results showed that email is predominantly used at the institution to disseminate information to its employees and news is released in a timely manner to its employees. The majority of the respondents confirm that co-workers do not share information that is critical for enhancing performance. The findings from this study indicate that management should have frequent meetings and constant feedback on performances of their employees. The study also recommends that management communicates more with their employees in less informal surroundings.


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Author Biographies

Jeremiah Madzimure, College of Southern Africa (MANCOSA) 26 Samora Machel St, Durban, 4001
Department of Business Studies Management
T. Lelibana, College of Southern Africa (MANCOSA) 26 Samora Machel St, Durban, 4001
Department of Business Studies Management


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How to Cite
Madzimure, J., & Lelibana, T. (2018). An Investigation into the Impact of Organisational Communication on Employee Performance at an Educational Institution. Journal of Research in Business, Economics and Management, 10(4), 2016-2027. Retrieved from