Situational marketing for coronavirus pandemic protective masks: buying for yourself or others

  • MOYO NZOLOLO Faculty of Economic Science, Marien NGOUABI University, ESGAE – Congo Brazzaville
Keywords: Situational marketing; buying situation; protective masks; coronavirus pandemic; covid-19.


The covid 19 pandemic is a situation that compelled the entire world to wear face masks. A mask is to be worn in order to protect oneself or others, for fear of being either fined or imprisoned. This is the social message conveyed by governments. The consumer is in such a situation that he has no choice. This article, which is to be considered in the context of situational marketing, shows that the situation relating to the purchase of protective masks imposes an important budget, not only for families living in precarity, but also for governments. In a context of nationwide and international generosity and solidarity, situations of buying for oneself or for the others actively cohabitate in this fight against the spreading of the virus.


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Notes :
(1) A French order of masks diverted to the United States on a Chinese tarmac.
(2) UNICEF has producednearlyone million protective masks in DRC.
(3) Africa receives third donation of medical equipment from Jack Ma Foundation and Alibaba Foundation
(4) WHO has provided nearly half a million pieces of equipment.
(5) Webb Fontaine donates medical oxygen concentratorsand more than 320,000 protective masks to its partner countries, in Africa and Asia.
(6) LVMH offersten millionmasks, Bouygues one million.

(7) Turkey: free distribution of 10 million masks per day.
(9) (Coronavirus: Moroccosends masks and medicinesto 15 African countries.
(10) Taiwan donatesanother 7 million masks to foreign countries.,50,53,56,59,62,65,68,71,78&post=176809
(12) China’s high-paying mask diplomacy.
(14) Wearing protective masks is mandatory to prevent the spread of the coronavirus worldwide. In any case, this is what the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends, contradicting its previous recommendations.
(15) Covid-19:WHO warns of “accelerating” pandemic in Africa.
(16) Eleven million (Chinese) masks (chinois), all junk.
(17) China seizes 89 million poor-quality masks.
How to Cite
NZOLOLO, M. (2020). Situational marketing for coronavirus pandemic protective masks: buying for yourself or others. Journal of Research in Business, Economics and Management, 15(1), 18-28. Retrieved from