Implementation of the Basel Accords I and II in Greek Banking System: The Application of Standardized Approach

  • Anna Donatou Department of Economics, University of Athens, Greece
  • John Leventides Department of Economics, University of Athens, Greece
Keywords: Banks, Basel Accords, Capital Requirements, Credit Risk, Banking Supervision


This paper focuses on the analysis of the main implications of Basel I and Basel II, based on risk sensitiveness due to credit risk, in Greek Banking System and assesses their effect per portfolio and per Bank in order to evaluate capital charges and to measure credit risk exposure.


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How to Cite
Donatou, A., & Leventides, J. (2020). Implementation of the Basel Accords I and II in Greek Banking System: The Application of Standardized Approach. Journal of Research in Business, Economics and Management, 15(1), 1-11. Retrieved from