Customer satisfaction in the Brazilian Fast Food Franchise Segment

  • Edgard Monforte Merlo Phd in Business FEA/USP, Professor at FEARP/USP Business Department, Brazil
  • Helenita R. da Silva Tamashiro Phd in Business FEA/USP, Professor at Reges College – Business Department, Brazil
  • Evandro Eduardo Seron Ruiz Phd in Electronic Engineering University of Kent at Canterbury - Professor at FFCLRP/USP – Computer Science and Mathematics Department, Brazil
Keywords: Retail Management, Fast Food Franchise.


In a market with great competition, store image associated with quality and brand  become an important competitive tool, meanly when it was associated to perceived customer satisfaction. The main objective of this study was to analyze the influence of image, brand and quality on customer satisfaction in the fast food segment. Data analysis was conducted through multivariate techniques to verify the significance of the relationship between variables analyzing two of the five biggest fast food channels in Brazil. The results showed that brand and quality were the most valued variables according to perceived customer satisfaction. In the model used, brand presented the greatest explanatory power. Based on the multiple coefficient of determination (adjusted R2), quality, image and brand as a group explained about 62.7% (Franchise 1) and 61.3% (Franchise 2) of the search for satisfaction, being that only quality and brand were statistically significant. 


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How to Cite
Merlo, E., Silva Tamashiro, H. R. da, & Seron Ruiz, E. E. (2015). Customer satisfaction in the Brazilian Fast Food Franchise Segment. Journal of Research in Business, Economics and Management, 4(4), 446-458. Retrieved from