Role of Employees’ Job Satisfaction on the Relationship Between Organizational Identification and Job Autonomy

  • Izlem Gozukara Istanbul Arel University, Istanbul, 34537, Turkey
Keywords: Job Autonomy, Organizational Identification, Job Satisfaction, Employee Behavior, Work Characteristics.


The present study explored the relationship between job autonomy and organizational identification, and the mediating role of job satisfaction in this relationship. A survey-based questionnaire was used to collect study data and the data was analyzed using SPSS and AMOS software programs. The results from the present study demonstrated that job autonomy is significantly and positively related with organizational identification, and job satisfaction plays a mediating role in such relationship. The findings of the present study are discussed in the conclusion.


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How to Cite
Gozukara, I. (2016). Role of Employees’ Job Satisfaction on the Relationship Between Organizational Identification and Job Autonomy. Journal of Research in Business, Economics and Management, 5(5), 740-754. Retrieved from